Sunday, May 27, 2012

Introducing the Toolbox Trilogy

Remind me to find one of these raincoats.
Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up one morning and you're just in a bad mood? Every little annoyance blows up into an irritating beast, and all of a sudden the weather is more severe than it actually is, and the only way to keep yourself from exploding on an innocent sister is to lock yourself up in your room and wait for your inner thunderstorm to pass? It's been like that all week for me. It isn't the heat that's making me nauseous, it's the humidity. It's disgusting outside, but if I close my window I'll overheat and pass out. 

On absolutely terrible days like this, I prefer to stay inside and play around with my makeup. This got me thinking, if I'm going to teach you all the ways of the makeup world, I should start with the basics. Makeup itself. Every girl needs to know what should be in her "toolbox" when she's preparing to beautify herself. 

There are so many things that can be put in your toolbox, one post isn't big enough for it all. So introducing the Toolbox Trilogy. Three rainy day how-to posts about every basic aspect of a girl's makeup toolbox. The first edition will be published very soon, so keep your eye out for it!

While you wait, what do you do on a rainy day? Do you fuss with your hair and makeup? Do you draw? Create mood boards perhaps? Do you have one of those rainy day savings jars? Write me a comment all about it!

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